The prolific writers of our literature, Mavisel Yener and Aytul Akal present the Bouncing Poems to Turkish Language. In order to be a pinch of joy, a lot of hope and to make the children blossom poems… The Bouncing Poems, by looking through the poetry binoculars to the world, keep language, meaning, mind and intuition windows open. The children will be surprised to watch themselves on the poetry’s screen, they will become curious, feel the joy and discover the beauty of the poetry.
Publisher: Bilgi Publishing, Inc. [Bilgi Yayınevi]
Cover & Illustrations: Murat Sayın
Genre: Poetry
Print Length: 78 pages
Format: Paperback | 13,3 x 21 cm
Grades: Elementary School, Grade 1,Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
love of poetry, love of animals, domestic communication, Discovery, Games, Creativity, Trust, Friendship