Written by Aytül Akal and Mavisel Yener, and enlivened by Zeynep Özatalay’s paintings, “Flying Grandma” invites children to play. Children play happily while their parents work in the fields. A cute grandmother comes to them, who hears the sentences that change from ear to ear and become funny. It asks riddles, it’s all brand new… Children get excited, look for answers. They have fun, they think, they learn. When the cute granny wants to play a new game, they count all the games like “blind”, “hide and seek”, “leap-off”. But grandma is old, she avoids hopping games. He says “You should find a game, your grandmother should sit down” (page: 30). What do you think, do you have such a game? What games do you know? What do you play on the street, where you sit at home? Which is your favorite game? It is best to accompany the “Flying Grandma” and the children and choose a game from the games. Find out why the title of the book is “Flying Grandma”.
A. Akal and M. Yener told a lot with few words. Undoubtedly, there are two masters in this. The fact that they are poets has a great share… Zeynep Özatalay’s colorful, new and chirpy paintings have also become the wings of the “Flying Grandma”…
Publisher: Dogan Egmond Publishing, Inc. [Doğan Egmond Yayınevi]
Cover & Illustrations: Zeynep Özatalay
Genre: Story
Print Length: 36 pages
Format: Paperback | 21 x 21 cm
Grades: Elementary Grade 1, Elementary Grade 2
Love of Mother, Love of Books, Empathy, Family, Happiness, Emotions