You can find everything in this book; from dreams to the dragons, from naughty clouds to the voracious cats. In this colorful book, the children’s literature’s two master authors, touching on different subjects, offer thirty-seven different poems for you. The illustrator of the book, Anil Tortop, with his the colorful drawings, really fascinates the readers. Each page of this book is in a different color, consists of a wide range of colors like a rainbow.
Publisher: Redhouse Kids Publishing, Inc. [Redhause Kids Yayınevi]
With: Aytül Akal
Cover & Illustrations: Anıl Tortop
Genre: Creative Writing
Age: +7
Print Length: 88 pages
Format: Paperback | 13,3 x 21 cm
Grades: Pre-school, Elementary 1
friendship, love of animals, love of nature, the seasons, our emotions